Forensic Services
Child Custody
Parenting Plan Modifications
Parenting Evaluations
Second Opinions/Work Product Reviews
Expert Testimony
Dr. Wieder provides expert consultations, testimony, and evaluations on parenting and child custody proceedings, and on matters involving sexual deviancy/addiction. He has testified as an expert in King, Pierce, Snohomish, and Kitsap Counties, and has provided opinions to public and private agencies and attorneys throughout Puget Sound.
In addition to conducting several hundred parenting evaluations for legal proceedings in both child custody and child protection cases, Dr. Wieder has provided expert opinions and testimony on evaluations conducted by other professionals, providing judges with a perspective on the merits and limitations of those evaluations. These work product reviews not only are valuable to judges who render final decisions on parents and children, but also to attorneys in their preparation for trial.
Dr. Wieder also has provided hundreds of evaluations of adults and adolescents whose sexual behavior is of concern, rendering opinions about risk and recommended treatment options.
As a member of the local professional community for several decades, Dr. Wieder maintains a reputation for fair and objective analyses. His work is guided by models of best practice and current scientific knowledge.